Are you looking to add height to your existing basement? We can help. Konstruction Group Inc. is a residential foundation contractor that offers professional underpinning services in Toronto and the GTA.

Underpinning is a very common procedure in most renovations of older homes with low basement ceilings. The idea behind it is to strengthen the existing foundation, while also increasing the height of the basement ceiling by excavating below the foundation walls and extending the footings lower into the ground. Underpinning is sometimes also done when unexplained cracks around the walls, windows, and doors are seen which are signs of foundation settlement. When the foundation continues to settle, more and more cracks will appear until the structural integrity of the house becomes compromised.


Konstruction Group Inc. offers services such as underpinning a house, and raising basement ceiling height.


What Is Underpinning?

Underpinning is a process used to increase the depth of an existing foundation by lowering the footing so that it can rest on more supportive soil. But the way we put it: underpinning is simply the process of strengthening the foundation of a house or building and raise the ceiling height of a basement.

Property owners need to make themselves familiar with this concept because the longer their houses stands, the more vulnerable it is to soil upheaval and settlement. When the worse of the problem manifests, cracks and leaks around the house and foundation will be apparent—hence the need for underpinning.

toronto underpinning
toronto underpinning
toronto underpinning

Benefits of Underpinning

1. Structural integrity is preserved.

Underpinning is often the best method when a structure becomes unstable due to settlement. Structural engineers will then conduct site inspection, assess the damage, and determine the approach needed to execute underpinning works. Underpinning helps secure the house back to its original state and ensure that instability doesn’t become a serious concern and this is where we come in to save the day.

2. Improved ceiling height and lighting.

Failing foundations usually cause problems in the basement that results in a reduction of vertical space. Since underpinning raises the foundation and eventually the house from its position, ceiling heights and lightings are increased. Underpinning a house will provide additional headroom in the basement and make sure floors don’t become slanted.

3. Adds value to your property.

Everyone wants a strong and well maintained house for the foreseeable future. Opting for underpinned houses also removes the stress on having to deal with persistent cracks, safety issues, foundation settlement, and more.

How Konstruction Group Inc. Does Underpinning

When the soil is already settled, voids underneath the foundation starts to form. This results in uneven stresses that can crack the concrete. Konstruction Group Inc. recommends underpinning the house. Here’s a look on how we do underpinning:

The first step that we do is we expose the foundation by excavating soil down to the footings to have a good look. This is typically done in very specific sections along the foundation wall according to the structural drawings stamped by the engineer. This is done for safety purposes to protect the house from collapse as it is being excavated from below.

Once a section is exposed, rebar steel reinforcement is put into place so that the new concrete is strengthened and then concrete pre-mix is poured into the excavated section until it hardens with the existing foundation wall. This process is then repeated depending on how many sections the engineer has recommended, usually between 1 to 5 sections.

toronto underpinning

Contact Us For a Free Estimate

If you have any questions about underpinning your house, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are a professional construction company that specializes in construction of custom homes and large scale residential developments.
If you’re around Toronto and the GTA, we are the top choice if you’re looking for underpinning contractors. We have the technical expertise, professional personnel, equipment, and years of relevant experience to back that up.  Give us a call and we will conduct a site inspection at your earliest convenience.